Monday, February 4, 2013

400 cops bust Superbowl party, six arrested

Read this story. What comes to mind?


Busy work?

Massive waste of taxpayer dollars?

Every one of those cops cost the taxpayer over $100,000 a year.

Supposedly this raid was the culmination of "years" of investigation of a internet gambling operation.


I'm detecting lots and lots more busy work.

And take note how they tipped off the media before raiding the banquet hall. These guys are no slouches in the PR department.

Take note also how the words "organized crime" and "Hells Angels" are dropped in there just to juice up the story.

But Toronto is a safer city today, thanks to those 400 policemen and women giving up their Sunday afternoon to take six gamblers off the streets.

Maybe what's driving this is the fact that the Province of Ontario is big-time into the gambling business and sent the cops in to shake down the competition.

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