Sunday, February 3, 2013

Greeks grow weary of "austerity enema"

As the Greek economy gets progressively sicker from this madness imposed on them by Frau Merkel and the IMF, the economic doctors supervising this slow-motion disaster have a prescription; more of the same.

Have you ever asked yourself why it is that when a private company collapses under an onerous debt burden, they are either bailed out by the public purse if they are deemed "too big to fail", or they are allowed to collapse, leaving the culpable to walk away from the wreckage?

But when a nation state is in the same straits, millions of people are expected to make sacrifices, for decades if necessary, to ensure that their creditors are repaid.

Mark Weisbrot has written an excellent article about the only reasonable solution to the Greek dilemma; an exit from the Euro.

If present trends continue, that's exactly what will happen, and it will be the left-tilting Syriza Party that leads the country out of the Euro.

Something that should have happened two or three years ago.

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