Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hedge funds, share floats, and the megaphonies

Correct me if I'm wrong, but on the face of it David Einhorn and his hedge fund own about .1% of Apple.

For that .1% they seem to be getting an inordinate amount of press.

Google "EinhornApple" to see what I mean.

And even though they've dropped their gratuitous legal action, it's plain to see that the strategy here is to use the media as a megaphone to influence share price.

Bill Ackerman plays a similar game. Although he didn't have the decency of being in the stock for a couple of years (unlike Einhorn), he relied on the media to trumpet his concerns for greater efficiencies at CP Rail.

The media were his most accommodating co-conspirators in his coup at CP.

That "activist investor" schtick is getting kind of stale.

The folks at the Globe and the Star should be more than conduits for hedge fund press releases. 

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