Friday, May 31, 2024

'Playtime with Stormy' ends badly for Trump

Finally, a measure of justice! Frankly, I thought this case was even dumber than the real estate fraud case, if such a thing can be imagined. That time around, the prosecution’s chief witnesses were bankers who testified they made money in their dealings with Trump and looked forward to doing business with him again in the future. That was a slam dunk… guilty as charged! This time, the star witness was a convicted perjurer and self-confessed crook. The case hung in the balance between which lying liar was telling the truth… another slam dunk! Although I read the many thousands of words the Globe & Mail spent covering this crime of the century, (well, I might have skimmed a little bit) I’m still not clear what the crime was. Near as I can tell, Trump or his accountants (it’s hard to imagine Donny J sitting in front of a leger with a calculator) tried to fob off a payout to a hooker as a business expense. Like that’s never happened before! In any event, in this case the book-keeping hanky-panky that followed the pants-off hanky-panky was a clear threat to American democracy, a delicate flower if ever there was one! What I don’t get is why the brainiacs at the Globe thought this case was so essential to their readership. Today’s paper featured an all-caps banner headline; JURY FINDS TRUMP GUILTY. They whet our appetite with eight paragraphs in the front page and then devote almost the entirety of p.4 to the story. Almost. There’s about two inches at the bottom with an unrelated story, obviously of little significance. While the whole world was busy watching the Trump trial, Sleepy Joe gave our plucky Ukrainian allies the green light to use US missiles on Russian territory. What could go wrong?!

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