Sunday, June 23, 2024

Colours of Edmonton; diversity is the Edmonton Oilers' secret weapon

I'm talking about their fan base, not their roster. Check out some of the videos of Oilers fans going nutso koo-koo after the team’s win the other night. Both Global News and CBC have video clips available, as do the sports networks. There’s more diversity in that crowd than you’ll find in a Benneton catalogue, if such a thing can be imagined. All those BIPOC Oiler fans obviously weren't there to support the one non-white dude on the team, as he was on the injury list. I saw a playoff game in Edmonton in 1979, the last season before the Oilers were folded into the NHL. The crowd didn’t look like it does today. I don't recall seeing a single non-white face. Let’s take a moment to thank the billionaire Jewish owner for providing us with something that brings us together!

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