Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Edmonton Oilers lose Stanley Cup on same day Julian Assange wins freedom

Must confess I got swept away by the tide of Edmonton Oilers hysteria that has gripped the nation of late. Watched that game start to finish, the first time I’ve done that in at least twenty years. The experience reminded me what a fantasy bubble professional sport is. The adverts that came with the game uniformly featured with-it progressive folks glorying in the latest diversity-affirming products from TD Bank, General Motors, and McDonalds. That’s the world of professional sports; owned by billionaires and used as a platform to promote their agenda. Assange, on the other hand, has never promoted the billionaires’ agenda. That’s why he was toxic to America’s ruling class. He exposed the US Empire as a cabal of war criminals. That’s why they spent the past 14 years trying to destroy him. So what up with this sudden U-turn? I figure it’s the result of a beyond-desperate Biden regime trying to claw back some of the “progressive” cred they’ve squandered with their wholesale backing of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. We’re four months out from the election… oh lookee, we freed Assange! I don’t think that’ll do it.

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