Saturday, June 8, 2024

Just another old white billionaire who couldn't keep it in his pants

I see where Frank Stronach’s sins have found him out. Sins from fifty years ago, in some cases. Or as recently as last year, if such a thing can be imagined! The dude is 92 years old! Frankly, you gotta tip your cap to a guy that age who can still rustle up the means and the motivation for an indecent assault. Are they sure it’s not just a case of senile dementia? That often manifests as inappropriate contact; crazy old guy grabs everything within reach, etc… Of course, that could just be their cover story. But what interests me more are the stories from fifty years ago. How does somebody not remember something for fifty years? Or maybe they just hit the self-actualization stage after fifty years of therapy? Or maybe they figure the lecherous old billionaire is soon gone, and if they want to punch their ticket, they better do it soon? Who knows. But I do feel bad for a guy who got off the boat with nothing, and made a go of things. It’s a shame to see him end his days in disgrace. To my way of thinking, he did more disgraceful things in his life. His Magna used to be a Canadian manufacturer, but after NAFTA came in Frank was happy enough to build one new plant after another in Mexico. Tens of thousands of $20/hr Canadian jobs were transferred to $20/wk Mexicans. On the other hand, he forged a truce with the unions who had tried for years to organize his Canadian operations. He invited them in, on condition they sign no-strike contracts. That sounds a bit like union capitulation, but look at it this way; he could have just shut those plants down and moved the jobs to Mexico like all those others.

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