Thursday, September 26, 2024

Greatest Leader Since Moses elects to go down gambling

In choosing to escalate against Hezbollah, Bibi is making a double bet. In the first place, he is betting that America will jump in and save his ass when he embarks on a war Israel cannot win. Retired IDF generals have been for years regaling us with exposes on how many hundreds of thousands of missiles the baddies have squirreled away in the hills and valleys of Lebanon. Enough to fire a thousand a day for months on end. Iron Dome will be exhausted by noon on day one. Then what? In Bibi’s fevered imagination, then Uncle Sam swoops in to make it all good. How could he not? The applause from those 58 standing ovations is still ringing in his ears. He’s probably right. After all, Biden-Harris, Trump, and RFK Jr are each and every one 100% in the tank for Israel, World Court be damned. Genocide? What genocide? You’d have to go down ballot all the way to Jill Stein before you find a candidate averse to enabling Israel’s genocide in Gaza. She’s polling under 2% as I write this. So it’s entirely plausible that Bibi’s gambit in luring the US into the war will pay off. But here’s the thing. The greatest fighting force in the history of history don’t got the mojo no more. Uncle Sam waves a big stick and talks a big game, but those Afghans falling off the last USAF flights out of Kabul tell a different story. Netanyahu, just like Zelensky, is betting on the support of a military empire that is a pathetic shadow of its former self. This new Lebanon front is going to become a war of attrition. Think about it. Israel is in a war of attrition with a people who have been accustomed to periodically living in caves just to survive the latest onslaught. How many Israelis in Haifa or Tel Aviv are gonna live in caves for more than two weeks before they seek refuge in Berlin or New York or Toronto? Bibi’s run is just about done. He will go down in history not as the greatest leader since Moses, but as the man who destroyed Israel.

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