Thursday, July 11, 2024

Leader of Free World poops pants at major press conference

I meant that title to be metaphorical, but who knows? The presser at the end of the NATO confab was much ballyhooed as a platform that would allow Dementia Joe to demonstrate he’s A-OK to lead the Free World for another four years. I watched it live, and I gotta say the Free World is in deep doo-doo if this senile has-been is running it. Which he isn’t, of course. Which raises the question; if the president isn’t calling the shots in the flailing and failing United States of America, who is? You’d think this question might throw some shade on America’s claim to leadership of the democratic world. When the world’s leading democracy offers its citizens a choice between a senile Dem party lifer and Trump, both of them hostage to the Israel lobby and billionaire donors, what do you imagine the rest of the world thinks? OH YA, WE WANT A DEMOCRACY JUST LIKE THAT!!! I have my doubts. Meanwhile, Team Trudeau embarrassed Canada once again by promising to meet NATO spending targets by… 2032? Well, no point rushing into things… While we’re on the topic of obvious bullshit, how did you like the announcement of a new USA-Finland-Canada coalition to build 90 icebreakers? For Canada’s part, the new icebreaker program will fall right behind the 12 new submarines program announced in DC, which is right behind the Surface Combatants shipbuilding program in the queue of Canada’s military procurement, which was announced in 2010 to much fanfare, and according to the most recent official guesstimates, might float its first ship in the mid 2030s. Going by our track record, I figure we’ll be commissioning new made-in-Canada icebreakers sometime in the first quarter of the next century.

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