Sunday, July 7, 2024

No NATO membership for Ukraine till they whup Putin!

When NATO supremo Jens Stoltenberg was on Face the Nation today, he reitered current policy re: Ukraine's admission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. There'll be no NATO membersship for Ukraine until they defeat Russia on the battle-field. In other words, never. NATO has been stringing Ukraine along since originally promising a path to membership in 2008. But, shit happens, and one thing leads to another, and before you know it, 16 years have passed. During that time, America, leader of the NATO gang, engineered a coup in Ukraine, that did away with any semblance of sovereignty, and Ukraine has been fighting for the freedom of the democratic world ever since, coutesy of Uncle Sam's credit card. Meanwhile, Ukraine's American masters and their me-too vassals in NATO keep raising the bar on membership. It baffles me why the Ukrainians still put any faith whatsoever in America or NATO. Ukrainians have perished in their hundreds of thousand in a war NATO clearly goaded them into. All along, they were told "whatever it takes for as long as it takes." Turns out NATO's cupboards of whatever it might take are bare. Furthermore, it'll take years before the industrial infrastructure of the NATO nations combined will, maybe, get up to speed. There further remains the distinct possibility that our latest weaponry simply isn't up to snuff. That shouldn't come as a shock when you consider Russia has spent the last 20 years fine-tuning hypersonics, while the West has been fine-tuning their pronoun protocols. We dumb down our math curriculm to make sure everone gets a diploma. In Russian high schools, the math curriculm is more rigorous than first year at MIT. Canada, US, Germany, Britain, all consistently fail to meet recruiting targets for their armed forces. Just the other day, CBC broke the news that the "relaxed grooming regulations" introduced a couple years ago have been a flop. Apparently, the folks into cross-dressing and face tatoos didn't rush to enlist in the numbers expected by the engineers of the Canadian Forces culture reno. That's why we cannot help Ukraine win this war. That's why it's a crime against Ukraine to insist they pursue it.

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