Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Only Kamala can save us now

There were a few faces missing when King Bibi addressed Congress last week. Over 100 Dems and one Republican absented themselves from the orgy of arse-licking that erupted as American lawmakers showered The Greatest Leader Since Moses with 58 standing ovations during a 54 minute speech. And what a speech it was! The USA and Israel, together, will save the civilized world from barbarism! USA! USA! USA! The fact of the matter is Netanyahu’s war on Hamas, after ten months, has been a disaster for Israel, and bringing in the Americans is seen as the best possible strategy for a face-saving victory. Speaking of barbarism, there was a raucous debate in the Knesset yesterday about whether anal rape of Palestinian prisoners was an acceptable interrogation tool. Civilized society ain’t what it used to be! I have speculated that drawing the US into a direct confrontation with Iran may not have the salutary effect the American Exceptionalists imagine. As a certain V. Zelensky is finding out the hard way, America still barks like a Big Dog, but the bite… well, that’s not so impressive anymore. No less an expert than Joint Chiefs of Staff supremo General C.Q. Brown has admitted as much. The humiliating clown show in Congress last week demonstrated that a majority of America’s elected representatives are willing and eager to follow the Greatest Leader over the cliff. Biden and Trump have been having a competition to see who can be a better Zionist. That’s what gives Netanyahu the confidence to assassinate the political leader of Hamas - the very man he has allegedly been negotiating the release of the hostages with. That’s why Kamala’s snub of Netanyahu was perhaps the last flicker of light in a rapidly enveloping darkness. Kamala, you may be an empty vessel, untested and untried, but you are America’s last hope for sanity. May God have mercy on us all.

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