Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Canada's betrayal of Israel

There’s an op-ed on view at the Jerusalem Post today titled "Canada's betrayal of Israel; irresponsible and shameful." Elsewhere at the Jpost you can find an expose on how the reliably anti-Arab BBC is in fact virulently antisemitic, and another on how Australia has “lost its moral compass.” Canada, Australia, and UK are just three of the 43 countries to abstain from the vote at the UN General Assembly today urging Israel to comply with international law and shut down the settlement project. Most of those 43 countries are traditionally pro-Israel. So what up with this tidal wave of antisemitism sweeping over Israel’s former allies? Could it be that true friends don’t let friends do genocide? No, that’s far too generous for the abstaining nations. Most of them do absolutely nothing to prevent or even slow down Israel’s murderous rampage in Gaza and the West Bank. These 43 abstainers are the cowardly nations. Vaguely disturbed by their complicity in an ongoing genocide, they feign umbrage while doing nothing of consequence. Like halting shipments of military supplies. Like sanctioning trade with the genociders. Like severing diplomatic ties. Nope! We’ll just abstain on this vote while continuing business as usual! That’s not a betrayal of Israel. It’s a betrayal of our claimed humanitarian values.

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