Sunday, December 22, 2024
Canadian politics? Who cares?!?
All the legacy news platforms across the land are fully in the grip of Chicken Little syndrome. OMG OUR DEMOCRACY IS UNDER ATTACK FROM ALL SIDES!!!
We need a Churchill of our own, a bold leader who can lead us out of the valley of death, or if not “death,” at least a crisis of confidence. Seems there’s not many Canadians left who imagine Justin will ever be our Churchill. Fluffy himself, perhaps, but beyond that, he doesn’t seem to have a lot of popular support.
The hurricane of hoo-ha hit level five when Agent Frida resigned as finance minister and deputy PM. I’ll go with the name the Russians gave her, because they know her better than we do. For over a week Canadian media have made this the biggest story in the world.
And it’s rightfully a big story. After all, who didn’t enjoy the spectacle of our faux-feminist poseur-in-chief getting a well-timed and even more well-deserved kick in nuts? But the biggest story in the world?
Bigger than the ongoing mass murder in Gaza, 100% facilitated by the American Empire?
Bigger than Syria being handed over to folks we called blood-thirsty terrorists until the day before yesterday?
Bigger than Israel’s non-stop attacks on Syria since that handover?
Bigger than NATO/USA’s disastrous Ukraine policy, that has exposed the crass hypocrisy and abject incompetence of Western elites?
They’ve elevated our political soap opera over multiple world events that portend a sea change in the global order. Yes, there is a struggle between the “democracies” and the “autocracies.” The “democratic” bloc claims to be the good guys. Human rights and democracy and all that.
In the “democracies,” the state functions at the pleasure of the billionaires.
In the “autocracies,” the billionaires function at the pleasure of the state.
Fact is, Canada’s politics don’t mean much in the real world. Whether it’s Neolib Fluffy, Neolib Lite Singh, or Neolib Extra-strength Poilievre, everybody everywhere knows we’re a trusted toady of the American Empire.
The Empire of Billionaires.
But buck up, folks! There is hope!
There was a much-hyped by election in BC in the midst of this crisis, which the anti-Fluffy faction won in a landslide. Our media foregrounded the landslide and soft-pedalled the more important back story.
Voter turnout in that by election was fifteen percent!
That’s right! Fully 85% of the electorate couldn’t be bothered to exercise their franchise.
What does that say about our democracy?
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