Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Trudeau, the self-proclaimed "feminist," leaves a trail of battered women in his political wake
The Globe and Mail is all over it; folks are beginning to question Justin’s “feminist” bona fides. The special irony in this is, just three days ago. he drew massive attention to himself by mocking Americans for having elected Donald Trump over a woman.
And now the woman who was variously known as Agent Frida, Justin’s brain, or the Ukrainian ambassador, has had enough.
While I’m generally no fan of Agent Frida, I’ll tip my cap to her for turning her back on the little twerp. It’s embarrassing enough that we have to live with this government; it even more embarrassing when Fox News and BBC splash our suffering all over the world.
From Jakarta to Mumbai to Shanghai people are scratching their heads, asking “what happened to Canada?”
I think, at this point, Fluffy’s goose is pretty much cooked. Mind you, he did show us his authoritarian side with that Emergency Powers hanky panky, so you never know.
What is most disturbing is I see nothing on the political horizon that would be much of an improvement. The Greens have no relevance at all, the other three parties are Original Neolib, Neolib Light, and Neolib Extra Strength.
So why bother voting? The Neolibs have it in the bag regardless, and we’ll keep wobbling down the same path. The homeless population will continue to grow, governments will continue to study the problem, military spending must grow so we can stand with our allies in defending our values, and we must all tighten our belts for the sake of freedom and human rights.
This will of course entail some cutbacks in some of the bells and whistles we’ve become used to. Like health care and education, just to pick a couple out of the air. But, if we truly believe in Democracy, if we are patriotic Canadians, we will rise to the occasion, and make the sacrifices we have to make, just as our forefathers did in Passchendaele over 100 years ago…
Or not!
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