Friday, January 31, 2025
Armageddon cometh!
Ever since Trump had that tariff brain fart last November, Canadian media have been agog at the horrors about to befall us.
The sky is about to fall. Brace yourself.
Don’t mean to gloat, but I believe I’ve more than once reminded you of the famous adage from the famous war criminal Henry Kissinger; “To be America’s enemy is dangerous; to be America’s friend is fatal.”
Since that November cheeseburger and diet Coke binge, Trump has massively disrupted Canadian politics. PM Fluffy resigned. Doug Ford called an election.
Looks like the folks who cling to the fantasy of the world’s longest undefended border and all those values we share with Uncle Sam are in for a rude awakening. We’ve already agreed to guard the undefended border to keep fentanyl and illegal migrants out of America. Virtually zero of those threats to US national security come over the northern border, by the way.
Defending US borders is a US responsibility, not ours. We don’t even defend our own, so what does Trump expect from us?
This must be a stressful time for all those American Empire Loyalists who populate Canadian media and politics.
Let me explain it to you. The American Empire is an empire in decline. It is desperately flailing about looking for a strategy to extend its hegemony. The last stage in the collapse of any empire is heralded by the looting of its vassal states.
And here we are.
Probably a little late to find alternative markets for the 80% of our exports that go to the US. There was a strategy at one time to build up our trade with China, but after Obama pivoted away from China, we did too.
That’s just what you do when you’re a vassal.
My hunch is that after three or four months of pressure, Canadians will begin to see the wisdom of becoming the 51st state. We haven’t really functioned as a sovereign state at least since the book “Galt, USA” came out in ‘72.
I can’t imagine we’re going to start now.
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