Saturday, January 25, 2025
If you've ever heard of the G7 RRM, raise your hand
Don’t see any hands… kinda what I expected.
To be frank, I had no idea what it was either. Maybe a new iteration of the venerable Mercedes G-Wagen?
Alas, it’s no such thing. As I discovered while absently rooting around on the Global Affairs Canada website, the G7 RRM stands for the Rapid Response Mechanism of the G7 nations, ie the “Nations of Virtue.”
Yup, the Nations of Virtue have put together a Rapid Response team to combat threats to freedom, democracy, and human rights posed by our authoritarian adversaries.
Now you’d think that might involve some crack military units fully equipped to rapidly respond to actual physical threats to the Nations of Virtue. You’d be sadly mistaken. No, it appears to be a mostly theoretical amalgam of entities poised to combat “Russian disinformation.”
We, the G7, do not have any crack military units to combat Putin’s threats to freedom and democracy. What we have is an ad-hoc conglomeration of lap-top warriors fully primed to respond to Russian disinformation!
Russian disinformation is not to be taken lightly, and our RRM agents obviously take their mission seriously. So seriously that they volunteered to work from home during that Putin-inspired “Freedom Convoy” that subjected downtown Ottawa to a horn-tootin’ terrorist attack back in early ‘22.
Russian disinformation is everywhere. In spite of all the Western experts from our government-funded NGOs saying otherwise, Russian propaganda still wants you to believe Ukraine is losing the war! Don’t they follow the Institute for the Study of War?
Oh sorry… the ISW folks seem to have succumbed to Russian disinformation themselves of late.
But not to worry; truth will out! Just the other week no less an expert than Lloyd Austin declared that Ukraine’s destruction is the greatest military success story of our time! If nothing else, that marks Austin as a senior leader on the G7 Rapid Response Mechanism team.
Personally, I am of two minds on this “disinformation” brouhaha.
Yes, I can see where our adversaries could be trying to poison our well of info on what’s going on in the world.
On the other hand, it seems to me that the G7 crowd is bullshitting us way more than that so-called “Russian disinformation.”
In reality, Ukraine has lost the war its NATO allies pushed it into.
In reality, Putin has not only de-militarized Ukraine; he has demilitarized NATO. Russia continues to produce more weapons and ammo than all NATO combined, and that’s after three years of being sanctioned up the wazoo by the combined West.
In reality, it’s way past time to give up our exceptionalist fantasies and learn to live in the real world.
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