Saturday, February 2, 2013

Big pharma has America by the balls

Here's a sad story about the suicide epidemic among American veterans. They are killing themselves at rates approaching the world record set on Canadian Indian reservations.

What I find interesting about the story is how the writers dance around the subject of pharmacological complicity in this suicide epidemic. Our man Busbee was on prescription drugs, and that's the end of it.

I'm willing to bet that most military suicides are on prescription drugs.

It's also an open secret that virtually all mass shooters have been on prescription drugs.

There is absolutely zero research about how many Indian teens on Canadian Indian reservations are on prescription drugs, but I have a hunch that prescriptions for psychotropic anti-depressants on reserves will mirror the suicide rate.

Maybe we could fund some social scientists to sniff out the answer.

In the meanwhile, it seems pretty obvious to me that big pharma is killing us.

Burn your prescription, dump your doctor, and smoke weed instead.

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