Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Emir of Qatar picks up six Greek Isles for pittance

8.5 million euros for six Greek Islands seems a bargain indeed. But the Emir has the cash and folks in Greece are desperate. The Greek government is even more desperate, being under the gun to satisfy IMF demands that they sell off  assets to bring down their debt load.

The Emir seems to have cash aplenty even after his annual multi-million dollar subsidy to Al Jazeera and the hundreds of millions he has burned in Syria. It costs a lot of money to keep Syria in flames, and it costs a lot of money to keep the ever-so-clever Al Jazeera network on the air.

Al Jazeera is essentially the official Sunni propaganda network. They have what at first blush appears to be an "anti-American" bias. In fact, George W. was at one time so offended by this he wanted to pop a couple of Hellfire missiles into their HQ.

Wiser heads prevailed. The Emir's fantasyland dictatorship is a very valuable asset when it comes to promoting the anti-Iran agenda that has obsessed the Likud-GOP-PNAC brain trust ever since the fall of the Shah. The virulently anti-democratic Emir has become an invaluable ally as America seeks to foster "democracy" in Syria and Iran.

I predict the Greeks will have the last laugh. While a thumbnail Greek government is still doing the bidding of the international debt bullies who have been destroying the country, this can not last. The folks who take credit for having invented democracy are bound to rediscover it.

Let the dear Emir build twenty-four palaces on those islands for his children. Sooner or later a new Greek government will rise out of the ashes of Greek democracy and tax into oblivion all those opportunists who picked the flesh off her carcass when she was down.

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