Thursday, June 27, 2024

Trump-Biden debate; America's Theatre of Democracy in full bloom

Please remember; America is the beating heart of the “democratic world.” There’s an election coming up, and tonight, democracy fans around the world will get a taste of what democracy looks like when practiced in the USA; the Mecca, the North Star, and the Jerusalem of Democracy all rolled into one. America’s democracy has given the voters a choice between two essentially identical old white dudes. Both of them are beholden to billionaire donors. Both are gung-ho supporters of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Both are committed to an economic model of perpetual growth on a finite planet. Both are slavish adherents to the gospel of US supremacy in perpetuity. They may have some differences on peripheral issues; abortion, gun control, and so forth, but on the things that really matter to billionaire donors and AIPAC, there’s no daylight between them. When your democratic choices have devolved into no choice at all, the spectacle, the theatre of democracy becomes paramount. After all, we have to keep up appearances. To that end, tonight’s debate will be a hybrid of UFC cage match and reality TV. Look for a lot of name-calling. They only got Jake Tapper to moderate because Jerry Springer is dead. There’s nothing like a good spectacle to demonstrate the robust good health of US democracy. I’m getting the popcorn ready!

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