Friday, September 29, 2023

Globe and Mail reveals why we're the good guys

The Korean extortionist at the Circle K now demands $5.25 for a copy of The Globe and Mail. Seems like there's a social science experiment afoot to see just how much an old-school newsprint addict is willing to fork out for a paper that has been in a downward spiral for a decade. But it remains Canada's newspaper of record. The Saturday edition is even more outrageous. Tomorrow I'll pick up a copy of the Saturday edition for eight-fucking-forty on our way to breakfast at the European Bakery. Today Globe regular Andrew Coye had an op-ed titled "No, India killing a Canadian is not "just like" America killing Bin Laden." Andrew is a typical American Empire Loyalist. After spinning his wheels for a few paragraphs trying to explain why political assassinations are bad when bad guys do it, but hunky-dory when we do it, he gets to the nitty-gritty; " We're the good guys. If you don't believe that, you have a much larger issue..." Andrew, I am a Canadian who no longer believes "we" are the good guys. What we are is part of the chorus in Uncle Sam's cheerleader section. That's a fact widely recongnized by the vast majority of the global community. That's why there is virtually no support for Russia sanctions outside of NATO and the EU. After Viet Nam, after Cambodia and Laos and Grenada and Panama and Iraq and Yugoslavia and Libya and Afghanistan and Syria and Ukraine, most of the rest of the world no longer sees the US bloc as "the good guys."

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Canada: from "peacekeeper" to "terrorist haven"

Last week was non-stop shit-show in Ottawa. PM Fluffy started things off with a bang on Monday, declaring that allegedly, there were potential allegations that maybe India was behind the murder of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Yessiree, that’s the kind of slam dunk you want to go public with! To Fluffy’s shock and chagrin, India was more than a little pissed off. They’re threatening to stop issuing student visas. If Canadian universities and colleges can’t attract foreign students and the extortionate fees they bring, multiple comfy six-number do-nothing jobs will be at risk in University admin buildings across the land! And India accounts for over 40% of foreign students. Canada does not get much press beyond our borders, but that Monday bombshell gave us a huge international profile all week. Then, while that self-inflicted headwound was still bleeding, on Friday, the Trudeau gang managed to double-down on completely retarded and shoot themselves in the other temple. The world doesn’t really give Canada much thought, which will come as a shock if you only follow CBC news. We’re just another me-too camp-follower of Uncle Sam, with maybe slightly more shlep than the Marshall Islands. But it’s impossible to ignore us now! From Nazi stormtroopers to Khalistan separatists to Al Queda’s White Helmets to Ukrainian ultra-nationalists, if you’re having trouble at home, you’ve always got a warm welcome in Canada!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Zelensky no stranger to honoring Nazis

Amateur Hour continues in Ottawa. Today was spent mostly buck-passing, finger-pointing, and donning sackcloth and ashes over the grave insult we inflicted on Zelly by having him applaud a 98 year old veteran who once “fought with the Nazis.” Relax, Ottawa! Since Zelensky became president, he has awarded Ukraine’s highest honor, “Hero of Ukraine,” to members of at least three neo-Nazi groups: Aidar Battalion, Right Sektor, and Azov. Here’s a story from Israel’s Haaretz news site about the Nazi bona fides of Azov. Stories such as that were quite common in mainstream Western media before February 2022. The Guardian, NYT, Time, Newsweek and others frequently ran stories about the rich tradition of Ukrainian antisemitism and white supremacy permeating Ukrainian nationalist groups. I’m sure no offence was taken. The man did fight Russia, after all, and that’s all that matters in these dark days when the fate of the Free World rests on Zelly’s shoulders. He’s got bigger worries than what’s happening in the Ottawa clown show.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Canada's political elite give standing ovation to Nazi collaborator

I watched that live on Al Jazeera. Arched an eyebrow when the 98 year-old Ukrainian- Canadian veteran had his moment in the spotlight. The reason for his sudden celebrity? He fought Russia during WW2! Many of the Ukrainians "fighting Russia" did so as volunteers fighting with Hitler's Waffen SS. Sure enough, by Saturday it was all over the internet that our Ukrainian-Canadian hero had done exactly that. I guess Bernie Farber must have made a phone call, because today everybody in Ottawa is absolutely shocked and appalled. An actual filthy Nazi collaborator somehow sneaked into the beating heart of our democracy, thereby making a mockery of Canadian values, which are of course the complete antithesis of Nazi values. Nobody clapped harder than Chrystia Freeland. Truth is, the Ukrainians who fought with the SS killed more than Russians. They killed tens of thousands of Poles and Jews as well. Everybody in that building is suffuciently acquainted with the facts to know that, most especially those of Ukrainian heritage. Now our politicians are deperately looking for a fall-guy to pin this scandal on.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Defecation Liberation

Have you ever stopped to give some thought to the urban planners policy assumption that people don't shit? As in defecate, have a BM, take a dump, etc? Have you looked for a public toilet recently? See what I mean? Homeless people get a bad rap for defecating in the street. If you're living on the street, and there's no public toilets, where else are you supposed to shit? In your tent? Society needs to get over its defecation denialism. How is it possible the poo taboo remains intact while all other taboos have been embraced in the name of inclusivity and human rights? Black or white, yellow or brown, everybody needs to shit. The Defecation Liberation Movement could be the key to unifying a fractured world! Demand free public toilets in every neighbourhood in every village, town, and city. DEFECATION LIBERATION NOW!!!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Zelensky is the most popular politician in Canada

Did you happen to watch Zelensky's speech in Ottawa today? The CBC talking heads lost count of the standing ovations, it was that great. Either that or our political elite are the most obsequious toadies to this war's grand narrative, concocted in Kyiv with plenty of input from London and Washington. Canada's parliamentarians applauded every Zelly utterence with child-like enthusiasm. The CBC knobs had a post-speech debate on whether Zelensky was greater than Winston Churchill or Nelson Mandela. Contrast the fawning Canadian reception to how Zelly-mania seems to be on the wane in most of our democratic allies. In the US, the NYT, WSJ, and Washington Post have all published recent articles claiming the "counteroffensive" launched early June is kaput. It gained a few meaningless square kilometers of real estate at the expense of tens of thousands of casualties and the destruction of billions in donated weaponry. In contrast, today's Globe and Mail informed me that the counter-offensive was making progress and victory was, if not quite yet in sight, certainly plausible. Meanwhile, Poland's President Duda this week likened Ukrain to a drowning man threatening to pull his would-be rescuers down with him. Poland has given exponentially more aid to Ukraine than Canada has, and it's right next door. Maybe Duda has a point. From the safety of eight thousand miles distance, Canada, in spite of having nothing to offer other than best wishes, remains an indefatiguable cheerleader of NATO's proxy war on Russia. We're ready to fight to the last Ukrainian.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Justin Trudeau must resign and his advisers must be fired

The past year and a half has not been kind to NATO, nor to Justin’s role within it. In spite of the triumphalism expressed by the likes of Jens Stoltenberg over NATO’s expansion to Finland and Sweden, the 18 months of war with Russia has revealed an unfortunate truth; the military manufacturing capacity of the combined NATO countries, USA included, cannot produce the munitions Ukraine needs to remain viable on the battlefield. “Everything you need for as long as it takes” was a PR jingle and nothing more. Trudeau’s reputation within that paper tiger was already in tatters. It was Trump who called Canada out as one of the free-loading member states, and this is as true now as it was then. What then must be the opinion of the senior members of the alliance when the bushy-tailed loudmouth Fluffy creates an international incident with India? And such an unnecessary incident. When the hit went down three months ago, informed observers would have pegged the odds at least 50-50 that India was behind it. Countries have long eliminated “terrorists” on foreign soil. Israel does it all the time. The USA killed bin Laden in Pakistan. The problem is, as always, that one man’s terrorist is the other guy’s freedom fighter. From the Indian perspective, advocates for an independent Khalistan are terrorists, and they have the same right to rub out Hardeep Singh Nijjar as the American’s had to dispatch bin Laden. The fact that neither Trudeau nor his team appreciated the gravity of what they have unleashed reveals that our foreign policy is in the hands of inept buffoons. It’s time to shut down amateur hour and bring in some grown-ups.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Who is the Boss Starling?

There's a few hundred starlings roosting in the dead elm on the other side of the barn. If I was still heating with wood I'd have taken it down by now. It's a few hundred yards from where I'm sitting on the stoop, but the air is filled with the sound of hundreds of starlings talking to one-another. Suddenly; silence. It's as if somebody hit a switch. Not a cheep or a chirp to be heard. Complete dead silence for at least thirty seconds. Then, a single chirp, and as quick as it stopped, the cacaphony of those hundreds of starlings fired right up again. I figure the one that issued that first chirp must be the Boss Starling. But my question is, and hopefully some ornithologist reading this can provide an answer, how do the other starlings know who the boss is?

Monday, September 18, 2023

More proof that Justin Trudeau's baby-daddy was Fidel Castro

Has PM Fluffy gone rogue? Or is this kerfuffle just a case of pandering to the Sikh vote? After yet another pratfall-laden visit to India, this time for the G20 summit, Justin came home to announce that Canada had hard intel tying India to the murder of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia. This sort of declaration is a major earthquake in the diplomatic world. The tit-for-tat expulsion of diplomats has already begun. What baffles me is that Trudeau’s government has allegedly been wooing India to sign up for trade agreements etc. in order to wean our economy away from dependence on China. In the big picture, it’s crucial for the “West” to keep India’s allegiance, and that hasn’t been going well. Having India depart the US camp and cozy up tighter with Russia and China is the last thing our masters in Washington want to see. There’s another irony here. Justin is coming out publicly in support of Sikh separatists in India. Justin’s daddy Pierre invoked the War Measures Act to crush Quebec separatists here. So do you think maybe Fluffy is doing this on purpose? Has he been a communist agent all along? Maybe Fidel really was his daddy after all!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

For important Canadian news, go to Al Jazeera, not CBC

To be sure, CBC is your go-to if you want the latest news on transphobia and what drag queens are up to, but I haven't noticed them paying much attention to the sorry state of Canada-India relations. Say what you will about India’s “Hindu nationalist” (not as bad as white nationalist, but a kissing cousin) PM Modi, one thing is for sure; he can sniff out a bullshitting poser a mile away. That’s why he’s failed to warm up to our PM Fluffy. Which is a pity, because sucking up to India has been a key pillar in Canada’s campaign to destroy our relationship with a key trade partner, China. The reason we need to continuously provoke and alienate China is to demonstrate “standing with our allies,” also known as following instructions from the US State Department. After all, communists are bad, but Hindu nationalists are people we can work with. According to this story at Al Jazeera, Modi is pissy with Justin Trudeau because he’s been playing footsie with “Khalistan nationalists.” Those are the Sikhs in Punjab who want their own homeland carved out of India. As you can imagine, that’s not going over well with Modi. Apparently, this has resulted in the suspension of trade talks scheduled for later this year. That’s a really big deal given how hard we’re supposedly working to diversify away from dependence on China. What disturbs me most is I have to find this news on Al Jazeera. As far as I know there’s been no mention of this at CBC or in the pages of The Globe and Mail, or even on the Global Affairs website.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

How much more can we crawl up Uncle Sam's arse while pretending to be a "sovereign" nation?

PM Fluffy’s era ends with Justin and his homies sitting on their luggage at an airport in India. Their government jet has mechanical issues, and they must await the arrival of a roll of duct tape so repairs can be facilitated. Canada’s military procurement regs being what they are, Fluffy’s flight crew couldn’t just mosey to the nearest Hindu Hardware outlet and snag a roll of duct tape. No, they had to provide authentic Canadian-made duct tape, and then fly it to India. And Canadian bureaucracy rose to the occasion. We are still a can-do (or is that Candu?) people! Military-grade Canadian-made duct tape was successfully FedExed to that airport in India, and Captain Justin made it to the Liberal Policy Convention in the nick of time. The big question at the convention will be; how much deeper can we crawl up Uncle Sam’s arse while still pretending to be a sovereign nation?

Sunday, September 10, 2023

"Their Lord and Savior Taylor Swift"

Had the pleasure of attending the wedding of a dear niece this weekend. The title line came in the speech delivered by a close friend of both bride and groom, who are dyed-in-the-wool Swifties. The young couple love to travel and have already visited 18 countries. They promise the next 18 will be chalked up by following Taylor's current world tour. To be clear, the newlyweds are devout believers in the original Lord and Saviour. I'm sure if Jesus was on a world tour today, His concert dates would take priority. Alas, the Lord seems to be somewhat displeased with his creation and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for His world tour anytime soon. Wedding's today are a bold act of defiance against the nihilistic propaganda the younger generation have been marinating in all their lives. We consistently give them one message; YOU HAVE NO FUTURE!!! If the climate crisis doesn't get you, Covid will! If robots don't steal your job, immigrants will! If you successfully dodge both immigrants and robots, Chatgtp is gonna take your job anyway! Even if you survive rising coastlines and increasing heat waves and forest fires and economic collapse, there's always Putin's nukes to destroy whatever glimmer of home might remain. So it mightily bouys my spirits when I see young people pairing up and planning families in the face of this overwhelming doom and gloom. As for the party itself, I gotta say the kids know how to have a good time. At the back of my mind, I was looking forward to demonstrating my chops on the dance floor. When the time came, I was totally awed by the level of energy. I quickly realized shaking my booty at such a frenetic pace would inevitably result in abject humiliation, not to mention the likely arrival of paramedics on the scene. I think I've become a member of generation Get out of the Way.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Data proves immigration accelerates climate change

Here’s some hard data. Canadians have one of the largest carbon footprints per capita on the entire planet, at approximately 18 metric tons per person per year. Canada also has one of the highest rates of immigration. Where are our immigrants coming from? Our top three sources of immigrants are India, China, and Afghanistan. The carbon footprint per capita in India is under two tonnes. In China, just over 7 tonnes. In Afghanistan, one third of a tonne. (Stats from Worldometers and Our World in Data.) Assuming our new Canadians adopt a Canadian lifestyle, they’ll all be massively expanding their carbon footprints once they get here. Obviously, anyone who cares about our planet should be demanding an end to immigration! That's gonna piss off the do-gooders.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Your daily dose of Yellow Peril propaganda from CBC

CBC’s The Current had a segment this morning on how terribly awful the future looks for young people in China. Apparently the economy is in the doldrums. As a result, there is an entire generation of young people who are questioning whether they will ever attain the standard of living that their parents enjoy. Who can even imagine such a thing? And if that isn’t bad enough, get a load of this; the job market for recent university graduates is so bad that many of them find themselves driving for ride-sharing services or food delivery outfits! Can you believe it! People with university degrees driving Ubers and delivering for Skip the Dishes? Outrageous! So buck up young Canucks, and be thankful you are blessed to live in this land of opportunity! And if you happen to be one of the multitude of Canadian university graduates driving for Uber or Skip and wondering if you’ll ever be able to attain your parents’ standard of living, shut up… at least you’ve got freedom!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Pine Creek First Nation excavates 14 burial sites identified by Ground Penetrating Radar and finds 0 bodies

It was almost two months ago that Pine Creek FN announced they were excavating a church basement where ground-penetrating radar had detected 14 “anomalies.” Over the past couple of years, ground-penetrating radar has created tons of headlines and sold a lot of flags. At no point did I ever see any discussion about the veracity of ground-penetrating radar in locating buried bodies. For anyone who bothered to look into the matter, it became very clear very fast that GPR ain’t worth shit in terms of actually locating buried bodies. Not every “anomalie” is a grave. As far as I am aware, Pine Creek FN in Manitoba is the first community that has dared excavate these anomalies. The results are in. Zero graves found for 14 "anomalies." Nobody has pushed the "unmarked graves" story harder than CBC. Wonder when they'll report the results of the excavation?

The difference between a yoga position and a fentanyl jag

Me and Big Lips Bruno got to the dog park first thing this morning, due to the late summer heat wave. If I don't get the big boy out in the cool of the early morning, he'll get no exercise at all. I noticed on our first lap that the homeless encampment that had sprouted up in the field next door was mostly gone. But a solitary figure 100 yards away caught my eye. Looked like a Muslim at prayer, but he wasn't facing Mecca, so I knew that couldn't be it. By our third or fourth lap he had shifted somewhat, into what looked like a possible yoga position. He maintained that for some time, but by our sixth lap he was on all fours. By the tenth lap he was standing up! Alas, one lap later he was down on his knees again. Five laps after that, he was standing bent over with his pants down. Next lap, back to square one but now bare-assed and tangled up in his trousers. That's around the time me and Bruno headed out. After 45 minutes of watching this lost soul try to stand up, I wonder if he ever succeeded?

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Zelensky betrays his sugar daddy

It came as a shock to read that Ihor Kolomoisky has been detained in Ukraine on suspicion of financial hanky-panky involving the paltry sum of a few millions of dollars. As a matter of course, Kolomoisky’s financial shenanigans more typically involve billions, not millions. It is perhaps a measure of the man’s hubris that he was even present in Ukraine to be detained. He clearly believed he was untouchable. As an Israeli citizen he could readily have stayed home in deportation-proof Israel, but maybe he’s a true Ukrainian patriot at heart, and wanted to do his part for the war effort. Whatever his reasoning, he’s up something of a stump now. After all his years investing in Zelensky’s career, guiding him from the comedy clubs all the way to the presidency, this betrayal must come as quite a shock. On the other hand, he should have seen it coming. After all, it has been beyond obvious for the past year and a half that Zelly has a new sugar daddy with much deeper pockets; Joe Biden.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Washington's war on France

Al Jazeera is featuring live coverage today of thousands of Nigerien protesters surrounding a French military base, demanding that French troops leave the country. This comes after the deadline has passed for France’s ambassador to go home. In relations between sovereign states, the expulsion of an ambassador means bilateral relations are in grave danger of descending into conflict. When Macron brazenly insists his ambassador remain in Niger, he is deliberately escalating an already explosive situation. Macron’s rationale is that he is standing up for democratic ideals by defying the coup leaders. Here’s where Uncle Sam comes in to muddy the waters. By refusing to call the coup by its name, America gives legitimacy to the coup leaders and undercuts Macron. Why? Recall that Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Grand Chessboard spelled out the need for America to achieve and maintain full spectrum dominance over any country or group of countries that could emerge to threaten its global dominance. We’ve been conditioned to believe that any such group of countries could only emerge from those we consider hostile; ie some combination of Iran, Russia, China and a few other illiberal authoritarian states. Deep State strategists see things differently. They could see the danger to US hegemony of major EU states getting too cozy with Russia. Hence the destruction of the NordStrom2 pipelines, an act of war against our democratic allies in Europe. Germany is now rapidly deindustrializing due to forced reliance on US LNG that is exponentially more expensive than Russian gas. France was not as beholden to Russian gas supplies but has other vulnerabilities. The French state clings still to the colonial hangover of “French Africa.” That’s why Macron imagines he retains the last word on what happens in former colonies. By forcing the situation in Niger to open conflict he will soon find himself embroiled in another Algerian war. American hegemony depends on not only weakening rivals like Russia, Iran, and China. It also depends on weakening allies who could someday become rivals, like France and Germany. The first shot at France was the cancelation of its $90 billion submarine contract with Australia. That was a major blow to France’s armaments industry and international prestige. A quagmire in Africa will doom France to third-tier status in the hierarchy of nations for generations to come.