Saturday, May 18, 2024

CBC News declares plastic pollution is the new front in "the culture wars"

That’s the top headline at CBC News at the moment. New front in the culture war? Really? What was the previous front in this culture war? Under editor-in-chief Brodie Fenlon, CBC News took a definite turn for the woke. The main battlefronts in Brodie’s woke-wars were drag queen story hour and systemic racism. They really rang the bell that time they featured the drag queen who was denied a story-hour slot at the local library on account of racism. So I have to say, it’s a hard pivot from the front lines of those culture wars… to plastic pollution? What’s going on at CBC News? Could it be they’re toning down the wokery because Pierre Poilievre has threatened to cut CBC News off the government teat? Did Cathy Tait send out a stern memo demanding CBC culture wars focus on real issues, and the best they can come up with is plastic pollution? And not only are they changing the channel on the culture wars, they’ve been revising their take on some actual guns-and-bombs wars as well. After banging the drum for Israel for seven months, they’ve had antisemitic diatribes for two days in a row. Yesterday they had the temerity to suggest the war on Hamas wasn’t going that well, and today, they completely jumped the antisemitic shark and hinted The Greatest Leader Since Moses might be dragging this war out to keep his ass from being dragged into jail. Who can even imagine such unprecedented Jew-hate on CBC News? To suggest that Bibi puts his political career ahead of the fate of the hostages? A blood libel! An outrage! But Cathy and Brodie can’t very well back away from wokery by becoming relevant, and exploring, in a balanced journalistic way, some actually seriously important stuff, like Israel’s genocide in Gaza. So plastic pollution it is!

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