neumann's blog
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Globe & Mail editorial board laments death of Pax Americana
According to the clique of American Empire Loyalists who comprise the Globe & Mail’s editorial board, the post-WWII era of US hegemony, “Pax Americana,” was a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity in the world.
It was?
Try telling that to the millions of Koreans who paid the ultimate price from 1950 to 1953. Try telling that to the further millions who made the ultimate sacrifice in Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia in the 1960s and ‘70s.
Try telling that to the millions in the Middle East who have enjoyed the non-so-tender machinations of the Leader of the Free World, from the overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected government in 1953, to the destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya, to the unlimited support for Israel’s decades long campaign to ethnically cleanse Palestine of Palestinians.
Try telling that to the peoples of El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, and Argentina where US support for fascist governments disappeared hundreds of thousands.
The cozy smug American Empire Loyalists at the Globe editorial board don’t remember any of that. All they recall is 80 years of peace and prosperity!
Now, in the space of a week,… Mr. Trump has ended Pax Americana.
Oh, for fucks sakes! How can you publish such overwrought rubbish?
Yesterday’s editorial goes on to proclaim that Canada is left with no choice but to follow the liberal democracies of Europe as they rally to keep Pax America afloat without America. This means joining the unelected Ursula von der Leyen’s jihad to raise a trillion euro’s for the defence of democratic Ukraine. Ya sure, why not? Another trillion down the “whatever it takes for as long as it takes” black hole?
That’s beyond stupid, beyond counter-productive, beyond complete mental retardation. Yup, that’s the road we want to take!
And it’s not just the editorial board at the Globe. Top Globe thought-leader Andrew Coyne has become completely possessed by Trump Derangement Syndrome, to the point where his latest rants are a cry for professional intervention. In one single recent 800 word op-ed, he informs his readers that Trump is: a nullity, depraved, callous, insane, a criminal, a madman, crazy crazy crazy, a threat to the peace of the world, and a moron.
Dude! Lean back in your La-Z-Boy, put on some Bob Dylan, and fire up a fattie.
Works for me.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Ukraine, Gaza, and Trump's Nobel Peace Prize
According to the UN, Russia’s unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine, has over three years claimed the lives of almost 700 Ukrainian children.
Israel’s war on Gaza, in less than a year and a half, has claimed the lives of over 18,000 Palestinian children.
When PM Trudeau met the press this morning, to outline Canada’s response to Trump’s tariffs, he prefaced his remarks with the observation that, in his mind, it was incomprehensible that Trump would turn on his allies, while normalizing relations with the “murderous dictator” in Moscow.
In my mind, it’s incomprehensible that Justin would bring that up, considering he has never said a word about the murderous war criminals running amok in Gaza.
Justin and a lot of his fellow NATO underlings are aghast that Trump is moving to normalize with Russia. For them, even though they’ve nothing to contribute other than their best wishes, they remain mesmerized by the “Putin can’t be allowed to win” mantra.
Trump recognizes something they don’t; Russia has won. It’s all over except the pissing and moaning and finger-pointing. Not only is Ukraine defeated; NATO has been exposed as a paper tiger. NATO is just coming to terms with the fact that, without America, they hold no cards.
It’s over.
Rant all you want about Uncle Sam’s callous perfidy in provoking this war (and I’ve done my share of ranting) and then walking away from it. Donald Trump imagines himself to be a peace-maker, and he’s doing the right thing.
Which brings me to Gaza.
I predicted early on that no matter how toxic Biden was to the Palestinian cause, Trump would be exponentially worse. Yet Trump took the Arab-American vote in the crucial states of Michigan and Minnesota. Arab-Americans hated the Democratic Party so much they were willing to give Trump a chance.
How is that working out?
Today there was an Arab League summit in Cairo. They were making plans to rebuild Gaza, a plan that would not involve the removal of its inhabitants. Would this summit have occurred if Trump had not floated his uber-gauche plan to turn Gaza into a casino resort?
Trump has managed to consolidate an Arab coalition willing to rebuild Gaza. So far so good, but what about Netanyahu’s ultimate dream; to have America lead an attack on Iran?
To my way of thinking, that’s the ultimate litmus test viz Trump’s intentions. Bibi won’t launch that attack without US participation. If Trump holds back, the Greater Israel fantasies are over.
And if Trump can pull that off, he fully deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.
Monday, March 3, 2025
Doug Ford, the mouth that roared
Did anyone else figure that brou-ha-ha in the Oval Office last Friday looked suspiciously like it might have been scripted by Dana White?
Think about it. Don and Dana are pals from way back. Dana’s got the secret sauce that can get the rubes to cheer for… whoever he wants them to cheer for!
That’s why I worry about Doug Ford. Doug is Preem of my province. He recently pissed away $180 millions to hold an unnecessary election so he could have a strong mandate to take on Trump. For all those millions, his party gained one solitary seat.
I’m surprised he got as much support as he did. At the onset of this unnecessary campaign, he announced he had a plan to ensure every Ontarian had a doctor within four years.
I thought, hey Doug, you’ve already been Preem for seven years, why the fuck don’t we have doctors already? But you know politics…
I can see Dana’s scriptwriters penciling in Trump’s next victim after Zelly. Doug Ford, the mouth that roared.
Mysteries of the Woke Mind
I took my first university courses in the ‘70s. There were ashtrays on the desks in case you felt like having a smoke during class. Political correctness had yet to be invented, and its toxic spawn, the woke warrior, could not have been imagined.
PoMo literary theory, at least in the non-elite schools that admitted the likes of me, was an entertaining novelty, enthusiastically debated over pitchers of beer in the campus pub. It was heady stuff! Once you realize that absence can be framed as the highest form of presence, you’re looking at a big new world of possibilities!
In hindsight, it’s not hard to find the through-line to Woke-world and the Woke Mind. Consider a couple of scenarios, purely hypothetical of course.
Scenario I: A young girl, let’s call her Muffy, is born into an Italian family, but grows up to believe she is actually an American Indian. A gifted singer and songwriter, she achieves great success and champions Indigenous human rights causes, to the extent that she finds herself on the FBI’s list of radicals and her career suffers twenty years in the wilderness. She perseveres, stays true to her adopted identity, eventually becoming, in regular minds, an iconic voice for Indigenous Rights.
In the Woke Mind, she is a fraud, and must be exposed, humiliated, and stripped of decades worth of honours.
Scenario II: A young boy, let’s call him Billy, grows up to believe he is actually a girl, in spite of the obvious evidence in his pants that this is not the case. In high school, with the encouragement and support of a caring community, he comes out, and switches from the boy’s swim team to the girl’s. Regular minds immediately claim he is a fraud, and demand Billy keep his willy out of the girl’s change room.
In the Woke Mind, Billy is a hero, who should be celebrated for finding the courage to live his authentic life!
Maybe fraud is the highest form of authenticity… or is authenticity the highest form of fraud?
Either way, you can blame post-modern literary theory.
Starmer's Summit of Silliness promises to keep making empty promises for as long as it takes
British PM Sir Keir Starmer only got that job because the Israel lobby in Britain kneecapped his predecessor on account of his refusal to endorse Israel’s extermination campaign against the Palestinian people. As such, he is fully aware that his tenure is at all times dependent on far more than the whims of British voters. Indeed, every “sovereign” nation outside the Big Three exists at the pleasure of their more powerful neighbours.
So what’s an enfeebled vassal state to do when world events call upon it to show some spine? Why, call a meeting, of course! And that’s what Starmer did, hastily convening the “Securing our Future” confab in London yesterday. And, while our own PM Fluffy wasn’t on the original guest list, there he was in all the photo-ops, ingratiating himself with his fellow non-entities. Here’s a quote from his official website:
“Ukraine’s fight for sovereignty is a fight for freedom and democracy everywhere. The important discussions we had today reinforced our shared resolve: as Allies, we will remain steadfast in our support for Ukraine. Canada will be there for Ukraine until there is a just and lasting peace. Slava Ukraini!”
- The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
If hot air, wishful thinking, and empty promises could win wars, the Ukrainian army would have occupied the Kremlin a year and a half ago! Slava Ukraini indeed!
Starmer’s coalition of the deluded concluded with promises of allied “boots on the ground and planes in the air” to push back Putin and save democracy. When you read the fine print, this remains entirely dependent on what is euphemistically referred to as the “US backstop.” In other words, he affirmed what Trump spelled out to Zelensky last Friday applies to the entirety of Europe; without America you’ve got no cards.
But you can bet the empty promises will keep on coming for as long as it takes.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Zelly visits White House, gets shit sandwich with side of humiliation
I had just wrapped yesterday’s rant on the catastrophic consequences of America’s “help” to Ukraine over the past decade, when I turned on the TV to that live presser from the Oval Office. What a fitting exclamation mark to the point I was making!
It was the old ass-grabber and war criminal Henry Kissinger who observed that being America’s enemy was dangerous, but being America’s friend could be deadly. How do people forget that? Yet every time another one-time ally gets stabbed in the back, we are shocked and appalled all over again. Wrap your minds around it folks; horny Hank wasn’t joking!
America has no friends and no allies. It has only “strategic interests.” The dimwits in Ottawa desperately crafting a policy of appeasement in hopes of avoiding Trump’s threatened tariffs are wasting their time. Trump will do what he does, and no amount of ass-kissing will change the outcome.
During Trump’s first term Chrystia Freeland tried to ingratiate herself with Mafia Don by assuming leadership of the Lima Group, that made-in-USA confection that tried and failed to fob off the ridiculous Juan Guaido as the legitimate leader of Venezuela. She achieved nothing other than tarnishing Canada’s reputation in the Global South. Did her service to Trump raise his opinion of her? Just yesterday he dismissed her as a “whack job,” so I’m guessing not.
And about that 51st state nonsense. The first time Trump said it he had no idea of the scale of bed-wetting it would unleash in this massively insecure country, so now he tosses it out there at every opportunity just to get a rise out of us. We’ve got serious people writing at CBC and the Globe bemoaning that none of our allies have asked Trump to stop making that lame joke. One overwrought journo wondered why King Charles wouldn’t step up and say something! Really?
Grow up, Canada!
Friday, February 28, 2025
Unfathomable evil: America's extortion of Ukraine's precious minerals
The frightened US puppet masquerading as president of Ukraine will be in Washington today to sign over to Mafia Don the future rights to whatever is left of Ukraine. This will compensate the Americans for the “hundreds of billions” they claim to have invested in support of Ukraine since 2022.
The number comes as a surprise to knowledgeable observers, as it is several times the value of support actually given, and seems to be another example of the Trumpian arithmetic that discovered an annual 200B USD “subsidy” to Canada. Furthermore, much if not most of the money never went to Ukraine, but to US arms manufacturers, for game-changing weapons systems that have clearly been no match for the supposedly inferior kit the Russians bring to the party.
The rationale for the extortion of this broken country is that America must be repaid for its investments. Let us consider what American “support” has brought Ukraine. The stage was set for war with Russia by egregious US meddling in Ukraine’s domestic politics in the lead-up to the coup of 2014. The coup, or the “Revolution of Dignity,” as Western propaganda would have it, brought to the fore elements of the rabidly anti-Russian Ukrainian ultra-nationalists, who pine for the days when they donned SS uniforms and gleefully assisted in the cleansing of Poles, Jews, and other Untermenschen.
The shooting war began in April of that year with Ukrainian attacks on the Donbas states that had refused to recognize the coup government and instead declared their independence. By 2022 the Donbas war had claimed over 10,000 lives, the vast majority being Donbas civilians.
In December of 2021 Putin offered an ultimatum of sorts; let’s negotiate a new security architecture for the region to end the blood-letting. He was summarily ridiculed and ignored across the West. In February, as Ukrainian artillery attacks on Donbass were reaching all-time highs, he reluctantly implemented the “military-technical” option to demilitarize Ukraine.
There erupted across the West a gusher of hyperventilating outrage over Putin’s totally unprovoked full-scale invasion. We, the Democracies of the world, promised to back Ukraine “with whatever it takes for as long as it takes” to crush Russia, a promise reiterated almost daily in the capitals of NATO countries. When Zelensky’s government sought to negotiate a truce a mere month into the war, the preening weasel Boris Johnson arrived to scuttle it.
Three years later, the damage to Ukraine is incalculable. Ukraine has largely been demilitarized, and so has NATO. The West’s warmongers turned out not to have the “whatever it takes” of their pie-in-the-sky promises for nearly long enough. Hundreds of thousands are dead. Millions are broken in body or mind, and millions more have fled the country. The cost of reconstruction will run into the trillions.
Three years later, there’s been an election in the country that leads the Free World. The returned Trump is mostly interested in reminding us the war would never have started if he’d won in 2020. Beyond that, he’d like to move on, and normalize relations with Russia.
There’s just one little thing. Uncle Sugar wants his money back.
Hence, Zelensky's pilgrimage to the White House today, to sign away whatever is left of his country’s future, and thank America for all its help.
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