Sunday, September 10, 2023

"Their Lord and Savior Taylor Swift"

Had the pleasure of attending the wedding of a dear niece this weekend. The title line came in the speech delivered by a close friend of both bride and groom, who are dyed-in-the-wool Swifties. The young couple love to travel and have already visited 18 countries. They promise the next 18 will be chalked up by following Taylor's current world tour. To be clear, the newlyweds are devout believers in the original Lord and Saviour. I'm sure if Jesus was on a world tour today, His concert dates would take priority. Alas, the Lord seems to be somewhat displeased with his creation and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for His world tour anytime soon. Wedding's today are a bold act of defiance against the nihilistic propaganda the younger generation have been marinating in all their lives. We consistently give them one message; YOU HAVE NO FUTURE!!! If the climate crisis doesn't get you, Covid will! If robots don't steal your job, immigrants will! If you successfully dodge both immigrants and robots, Chatgtp is gonna take your job anyway! Even if you survive rising coastlines and increasing heat waves and forest fires and economic collapse, there's always Putin's nukes to destroy whatever glimmer of home might remain. So it mightily bouys my spirits when I see young people pairing up and planning families in the face of this overwhelming doom and gloom. As for the party itself, I gotta say the kids know how to have a good time. At the back of my mind, I was looking forward to demonstrating my chops on the dance floor. When the time came, I was totally awed by the level of energy. I quickly realized shaking my booty at such a frenetic pace would inevitably result in abject humiliation, not to mention the likely arrival of paramedics on the scene. I think I've become a member of generation Get out of the Way.

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