Friday, November 17, 2023

Gaza end game: peace in the Holy Land

It’s been six weeks since Israel suffered the gravest security and intelligence failure in its history. The man in charge, PM Netanyahu, promised the perpetrators a mighty vengeance, and spelled out the war crimes Israel would inflict on them in return. A complete siege of the entire civilian population of Gaza. No food. No water. No power. I predicted a cycle of atrocity escalations that are coming true every day. We don’t see much of that in Western media, because media and our culture in general have always had a pro-Israel bias. The outrages became ever more outrageous. The bloodthirsty Hamas monsters dragged 240 hostages into their tunnel networks. As heart-felt as Bibi’s pain at the suffering of the hostages and their families may be, he knows it is more important to kill Hamas than save hostages, and has ordered 30,000 tons of bombs dropped to collapse the tunnel system. Great leaders are fated to make difficult decisions, and only the Greatest will pass the test. Tell the Kaffirs to go to the south, and then bomb them when they do! That’s not a good look to most of the world, who watch the carnage 24/7. But here in the Nations of Virtue all we want to talk about is Israel’s right to defend itself and how it’s high time for a just two-state solution. That train left the station in 1995 when ultra-right religious nutters assassinated Yitzhak Rabin. That’s the same crowd that calls the shots in Bibi’s coalition government. Two-state delusion. Six weeks into this abomination, the PM and his war cabinet are emboldened. No matter the red line crossed or war crime committed, there don’t seem to be any meaningful repercussions. And in spite of some mumbling about a humanitarian pause, Uncle Sugar’s got their back. The maximalists are pushing their advantage. Gazans to the south, and then a little further south, and by God we have to bomb every square inch of Gaza to get every last terrorist, so into the Sinai you go, and good luck to you! Then open humanitarian corridors to let the West Bank and East Jerusalem join them in the New Palestine. Finally, if there are any Arab Israeli citizens left by then, make them an offer they can’t refuse; leave or die. That’s the end game. Peace in the Holy Land.

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