Monday, July 8, 2024

Boeing admits to criminal fraud in 737 Max crashes that killed 346

If you ask me, that $243 million fine they negotiated is a pretty light touch, all things considered. That’s well under 1% of what Boeing has spent on share buybacks over the last ten years. The $40 billions pissed away on share buybacks served only to plump up the share price, benefitting most of all the senior executive ranks, where a great deal of their compensation comes as stock options. The more they can goose the share price, the fatter their pay packets! Once those company profits are squandered on buybacks, they can’t be spent on capital investments, R&D, or improving the working conditions of your employees. Which is hunky-dory with the corner office crowd, but kind of a drag for everybody else, especially those 346 people who were killed by the greed of Boeing management.

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