Thursday, August 1, 2024

How to get away with genocide without really trying

First step; find a receptive audience. As The Greatest Leader Since Moses demonstrated last week, if you’re selling genocide, there’s not a more receptive audience than the US Congress. They really love this stuff. When you’ve murdered thousands of children over ten months, there’s not a lot of venues will provide you a standing ovation. Welcome to America! Secondly, make sure everybody knows you’re the victim. October 7th, don’t you know! Biggest slaughter of Jews since The Holocaust, don’t you know! The equivalent of eleven 9/11s, don’t you know! Personally, I don’t know. In fact, I’m highly skeptical. Israeli spook services are arguably the best in the world. They can track down terrorist masterminds to a single apartment in Beirut or Tehran and dispatch them with a single missile. But they had no idea October 7th was coming? When they’ve been watching Hamas practice up for this assault for at least two years? When Egypt, Qatar, and USA all gave them a heads up in the week before? Get outta here! What I’d like to see is an independent international inquiry into who knew what and when. Perhaps such an inquiry could investigate who ordered IDF forces to cool their heels for hours as the attack unfolded. Perhaps such an inquiry might even get around to establishing how many of those Jewish victims were slaughtered by “friendly fire.” Finally, when you want to sell genocide, always focus on your superior values. That goes over big in DC. Since America is the font of all justice and human rights in the world, Americans automatically assume any ally of America shares those values. You can’t possibly be evil if you’re allied with the good guys! And here we are…

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