Monday, September 16, 2024

Countdown to Armegeddon

I spent much of last week installing a storm door that was advertised as “a two-hour oops-proof installation.” Today I was able to catch up on some news, and I gotta say, things are really going downhill fast. Some time ago I posited that Netanyahu and Zelensky would bring down the American Empire. Both of them, mesmerized by the adulation showered upon them on their appearances in Washington, are convinced that Uncle Sam will rescue them from their increasingly precarious calamities. After the much-lauded (in Western media) PR stunt in Kursk, that disaster is now biting Zelly’s ass. It’s become increasingly clear that Ukraine is losing this war, big-time. Meanwhile, two thousand miles south in the Holy Land, the Greatest Leader Since Moses appears to have bitten off quite a lot more than the IDF can chew. We’re closing in on one year of combat in Gaza. This is by far the longest war in the history of Israel, and Israel is not winning. There you’ve got two leaders on the wrong side of history, both of whom are convinced that, if they can just somehow bring America directly into their wars, they can come out on the right side of history. Ain’t gonna happen. And that realization will signal the end of the Empire.

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