Saturday, March 8, 2025

Canada once again promises the new warships they've been promising for 20 years

I see where the long-promised new fleet of warships, formerly the “surface combatants,” now the “River-class destroyers,” have moved one step closer to actual construction. They allegedly started cutting steel for the first ship last summer. Today’s news is that at least three of the proposed fleet of 15 have got the green light. The bad news is they’re scheduled to come in at 7+ billions apiece. The worse news is, given our wretched shipbuilding history, that number will at least double by the time they’re commissioned sometime in the mid-2030s. Worse than that, by the time the last of the 15 new ships hits the seas in the 2050s, you can mark my words, we’ll have sunk half a trillion dollars into this project. All that, so we can “stand with our allies?” That’s especially problematic now that we’re not sure who our allies are anymore. And let’s not forget; war has changed since this project was first on the drawing boards twenty years ago. The Russians are losing battleships to $100k amphibious drones in the Black Sea. Why would anyone build a multi-billion dollar warship that can be sunk for a hundred grand? That threat aside, Russia continues to build warships like there’s no tomorrow. Last year the Russian navy took delivery of 12 new surface ships and four submarines. That’s a half- century of production by current Canadian standards! But we’re not Russia. We simply cannot afford this idiocy. Look around you. Any tent encampments in your town? Crazy people wandering the streets shouting at God? We have record-breaking line-ups at food banks clear across the land. We simply have more important priorities. Let’s scrap this insane idea that we need to spend untold billions on warships and F-35s while we’re on the precipice of becoming a third-world shithole. Breaking away from the American Empire is the first step in making things right. Go Trump!

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