Monday, February 4, 2019

Fluffy's false equivalencies

That PM Sunny Daze is one slippery little goober, ain't he? In fact, he's so brazen about it that even the pot-addled hillbilly up here in the backwoods can spot this ruse.

Remember when he was apologizing for that unfortunate MS St. Louis business not too long ago? Did you notice that crafty segue into anti-BDS polemics?

That's a false equivalence. Trudeau is apologizing because we did the wrong thing eighty years ago, yet he's associating our swinery and cowardice with the BDS campaign that's trying to do the right thing today.

Then just the other day I heard him defend our support for the coup in Venezuela by comparing Maduro to Pinochet. Hmm... toss that one over in your mind for a moment.

Allende: elected president of Chile,

Pinochet: US stooge installed after democracy restored,

Maduro: elected president of Venezuela,

Guaido: US stooge about to be installed, and then democracy will have been restored.

No, Justin, you're not on the side of Allende by supporting Guaido over Maduro.

Now, I don't go out of my way looking for stories about the adventures of PM Sunny Daze, and I just happened upon these exemplars of deceit in the course of getting my daily news fix. He could be pulling this stuff multiple times every day... maybe even every time he sees a news camera and a microphone!

Here's an idea. The money-losing Toronto Star has had an official Trump fib-tracker living large in Washington DC for a couple years now. Is that because it's really important for Canadians to know how often Donny J tells a whopper?

The think tank here at Falling Downs figures that Fluffy's sly deceptions are of far more import to Canadians. Why can't the Star use their dwindling resources for the benefit of their readers, pull Danny Dale out of DC, and put him in charge of exposing Trudeau's untruths instead?

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