Sunday, June 30, 2019

CNN stumping for Trump

Check this out. The headline is a little misleading as the article isn't so much about Trump voters as it is an itemized list of reasons why most voters might want to consider voting for the Orange Ogre. It's certainly not something you'd expect to find on the CNN home page, since the network works hard to position itself at the "progressive" end of the media spectrum.

What's going on?

My hunch is that the folks who own America's mass media, the super-rich and the corporate class, are beginning to suffer sphincter spasms at the sheer volume of socialist-sounding rhetoric emanating from the Dem side. Wealth tax? Single-payer health care? Free college? 90% marginal tax rate on incomes over a million?!...

Oh my God!!! We'll all be running around dressed in Mao outfits if these loony leftists have their way!

And it gets worse, if such a thing can be imagined... how about that Tulsi Gabbard and her talk about reduced military budgets and shutting down overseas army bases!?

Trump's treasonous flirtation with Bad Vlad is nothing compared to that!

We're a year and a half out from the election, and the engines of democracy are starting to rev. The billionaire class who own the media are desperately looking for a Dem candidate they can get behind, one who doesn't talk all that commie shit. They can't bring back Hillary. Biden is tanking. The only Dems creating any buzz with the under forty crowd are all spouting leftist homilies...

Buckle up for a great show!

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