Sunday, June 21, 2020

Mark MacKinnon; senior internet reporter for The Globe and Mail

Mark is touted as the "senior international reporter" at the Globe. Since the Globe is Canada's more-or-less official newspaper of record, there being no plausible alternatives, that's a position that carries a fair amount of shlep.

Mark uses that shlep to consistently spew pro-US, pro-NATO talking points. I guess that's what you gotta do to keep getting a paycheque when you're a journalist here in the Nations of Virtue.

Just ask guys like Seymour Hersh or Robert Parry, or dozens of others.

But back to Mark. Mark offers up exceedingly thin gruel at the best of times. His writing offers nothing in the way of independent thinking while delivering the standard NATO/EU/US platitudes, and you know who's driving that bus.

Yet every once in awhile Mark scrapes together a "scoop." Here's the Falling Downs take on his award-winning article on the origins of the Syrian civil war.

That's not "journalism." That's a guy reading shit on the internet and writing a story about it, in the hopes that Globe readers never happened across the story before. Yet it's presented as being the result of painstaking original research across many months and many borders.


Same goes for yesterday's alleged expose of Putin's plan to rule the world. There's absolutely nothing in MacKinnon's story, a "project" that took months, and required travel to almost a dozen countries, that you can't find on the internet in five minutes.

Mark MacKinnon is an internet reporter, not an international reporter.

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