Tuesday, February 16, 2021

What is the mission of Bellingcat?

You gotta love those Horatio Alger bootstrap tales that Western propaganda keeps shoving down your throat.

Little Bana.


The Syrian sniper babe.

Pussy Riot.

Darlings of the western media, every one.

Concoctions of our full spectrum propaganda war, every one.

Eliot Higgins, Brown Moses, and Bellingcat are likewise concoctions of the establishment spin-miesters. 

I mention this only because of the hysterically self-righteous article by Eliot that the normally sensible folks at Unherd saw fit to publish. 

The slippery little turd forgot to mention his sponsorship by Regime Change Central, aka the National Endowment for Democracy. 

You know, that "non-government-organisation" totally funded by the US government.

You would think that sensible people would see through that bullshit. If you follow Higgins' work you'll see what side he's on in the overall scheme of things. That would be the side of his paymasters in case you were wondering.

You have to marvel at the provenance of the Higgins brand. Another stay-at-home loafer, brought up on Chomsky and Pilger, has a lot of spare time, and before you know it, he is discovering stuff on Google Earth that even the sharpest tools in deep state spook bunkers missed!

Of course he is!

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