Friday, November 2, 2012

Giuliani may be yesterday's man but still craves the limelight

There he was on CNN with that Brit who got Larry Kings time slot, railing against Obama.

Obama failed in Benghazi blah blah blah failed the people of New York City blah blah blah...

Oh give it a rest Rudy! Who gives a shit what you think?

Maybe that Brit, but you've got no constituency otherwise.

Rudy spends his days conning naive clients into retaining his lobby firm to wield its ever-diminishing influence on their behalf.

Meanwhile, current mayor Mike demonstrated how light he is on his feet (not to be confused with being "light in the loafers") by cancelling the New York Marathon this afternoon after assuring the world it was on right till he announced it wasn't.

That's a fellow who knows which way the wind is blowing.

Bloomberg and Republican governor of New Jersey Chris Christie (never accused of being light either in his loafers or on his feet, by the way...) both endorsed the black dude this week.

No wonder Rudy is shouting in his interview!

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