Friday, November 2, 2012

Netanyahu blocks sale of Dead Sea as crafty Canadians' true motives exposed!

So that explains it!

All the while we've been wondering what Machiavellian motivations might lurk behind the machinations of the Harper gang as they profess never-ending love for Israel.

Prime Minister Harper and his stunned twat of a Foreign Minister have raised eyebrows across the Holy Land these last few years with their claim that Israel has no better friend than Canada in the whole wide world.

It is well known that the Harper cabinet is chock full of born-again nutters who believe that the Chosen People are choosing the Lake of Fire if they don't choose Jesus instead. But this week their true intentions were revealed.

They're after the Dead Sea!

The crafty Canadians made a bid for full ownership of Israel Chemicals LLP, the company that holds the potash mining concessions in the Dead Sea.

That would give their Potash Corp, already the biggest potash producer in the world, near hegemonic control over the world fertilizer market.

The Prime Minister was having none of it. The Canadian bid was dismissed out of hand.

The reason? National security.

Ironically, a couple of years ago that very same Harper gang blocked the takeover of Potash Corp by BHP Billiton.

The reason? National security.

What goes around comes around...

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