Sunday, December 9, 2018

Give me a break...

My dear son-in-law Charlie broke his humeris in a skiing accident the other day. Humeris? I think that's commonly known as your "funny bone" or something.

That's not the kinda break I'm talking about. I think Charlie's gonna pull through, and that his gig at that start-up will not be impacted by this minor setback.

Hope not.

Kipling rings me up today to complain that I haven't had a word to say about the demise of George HW.

Give me a break dude! I'm trying to cope with eye surgery and such... oh, that's the other thing he was on about. He's contemplating the same operation and wanted the low-down.

Well, when they put that drill into your eyeball to break up that fucked up lens that Mama Nature gave you...

All I hear on the other end is STOPSTOPSTOP!!!!

Apparently people don't like to be told what their eye surgery is gonna look like.

Ya, you can actually see the tools entering your eyeball...

And you can feel that tiny little drill spinning around in there...

But enough of that.

Lets's focus on George HW for a moment or two.

The reason I haven't said a word about the passing of Papa Bush is because I like to keep to the old saw that if you got nothing good to say, keep yer fuckin' trap shut.

So I have. Till now.

George HW Bush was a blood-soaked war criminal who should have spent his golden years in a cell at the ICC.

Panama? How many innocent people were slaughtered without mercy when Bush decided his CIA stooge Noriega had outlived his usefulness?

His son W may have got the US into the Afghan war, but it was Daddy who got the ball rolling with the original Gulf war to restore democracy in... Kuwait?

Google "Highway of Death" and see what comes up. Machine-gunning the enemy from airplanes in their tens of thousands after they've surrendered is a war crime no matter how you look at it. That's the legacy of HW Bush.

It's a complete embarrassment to see Toronto Star stalwarts Robin Sears and Jaime Watt gushing over the dear departed in their Star opinion pieces today.

Give me a break...

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