Sunday, April 30, 2023

Public service workers who are allowed to work from home need a pay cut, not a pay raise

Don't get me wrong - public servants need a raise that at least keeps up with inflation, as does every other worker in the land. But this "work from home" dawdle has to be called out. Certain people had the option of working from home when society was attacked by a deadly virus that was allegedly going to end civilization if we didn't mask up, stay home, and get those safe and effective vaccines. Most people, the "front line workers," never had the option. They just kept going to work. They were heroes for a few months. We so appreciated them we vowed they'd soon have paid sick days, full-time hours, pensions, a living wage, and a partridge in a pear tree. That's all over now. Not the pandemic - that's still chugging along quietly, reaping a daily harvest of the infirm elderly. We've just done away with all the masking and distancing. We're apparently following a different science now. And all those promises to the front line heroes? Long forgotten. Meanwhile, the laptop labourers who got the work-from-home card are feeling their oats. They deserve a raise just like everyone else in the public service. Do they? When you work from home you save on child care, commuting, parking, clothes, and a bunch of peripheral stuff. Child care alone can be a $1500 a month saving. And look at the quality of life. Instead of getting up at 6 to be at work by 9, you set your alarm to 8:45 and you'll be at work on time. You can spend all day in your pjs unless you have to pull on a shirt for a zoom meeting. You can have multiple other windows open on your laptop while allegedly working. The only expense that'll go up is your booze bill, because by 10am... well it's happy hour somewhere. Other than that, I'm with my PSAC brothers and sisters all the way.

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