Monday, April 8, 2019

Canada's democracy under siege...

... maybe. Sort of. Possibly. We have no proof, but we'd be naive to think it isn't happening.

So it's a slam dunk, then!

Three days ago the CBC reported that Chrystia Freeland thinks we're for sure going to be targeted by Russia. In fact, Chrystia is pretty sure there's already been some meddling!

And maybe there has, but how would you or I know? Are we to take Chrystia's word for it? Why can't she share with us the evidence of the meddling, so we at least know what to look out for?

Why is she keeping us in the dark?

Today the CBC follows up with another evidence-free presentation on the same theme, this time from the Communications Security Establishment, Why are all these people who are ostensibly protecting us not giving us more info?

Furthermore, if they know it's happening, what are they doing about it? Maybe they're doing lots, but saying so in public would just tip off Putin's trolls to the fact that we're on to them or something. So I guess there's a reason for the secrecy.


Or maybe this is just nonsense intended to turn the channel away from the SNC scandal, which has discredited Canada's government far more than anything the Ruskies could come up with...

...unless...  OMG, it's all making sense now!!!

JWR is a Russian agent!

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