Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Here's a headline you couldn't have imagined 20 years ago

Because twenty years ago, this human rights case would have been inconceivable.

The problem with stories like this, and also with the bicycle racing story that broke today, is that they invite scorn and ridicule on trans people generally. A few individuals obsessed with self-promotion thereby complicate the lives of the vast majority of those who just want to be who they are and get on with their lives.

If the current approach persists, within a few years trans women will own every record in women's sport.

That triumph of human rights will also mark a triumph of idiocy.


  1. Men,with or without a penis, are still men. Men who dress up in women's clothing are still men, irrespective as to they how they "feel". Attempt to enter a public washroom, while I wait for my 8 year old niece, will indeed, result in an unscheduled ambulance ride.

  2. ...and now for something almost completely different (in my John Cleese voice):
