Saturday, October 3, 2020

As UK and US collude to crush Assange, CBC, Globe and Mail avert eyes

For anyone with even a remote interest in human rights and truth, Julian Assange's extradition hearing In London over the past three weeks should be the biggest story in the world. You wouldn't know it from reading our leading "news" outlets, however.

Two august "liberal democracies" are openly destroying Assange for exposing their crimes against humanity. You'd think the Globe and the CBC, both of which claim to do journalism, might find a story there, but no such luck.

The Globe did find space for a 3,000 word hagiography of famous "human rights advocate" Irwin Cotler in today's paper. Cotler is the guy who made his name fighting apartheid in South Africa, but he can't see any in Israel. There is a curious pattern in Cotler's human rights advocacy; he can only find human rights violations in countries on Uncle Sam's shit list. If you're a human rights abuser in Iran, Russia, or China, Irwin's coming for you.  If you're an IDF sniper kneecapping Palestinian children at the Gaza fence, Irwin's got your back.

Here's a particularly telling quote from the Globe's story: "Mr. Cotler is also a member of a panel that advises the British and Canadian governments on how to improve press freedom."

Yes indeedy!


While we await that panel's recommendations, here's a couple of recommendations from me if you're interested in stuff the CBC and the Globe and Mail don't consider newsworthy. 

Consortium News is your best bet if you think the state destruction of Julian Assange is a news story. 

For an alternative view on Irwin Cotler's human rights advocacy, check out Yves Engler here.

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