Saturday, September 18, 2021

If you're not gung-ho for lockdowns and vaccine passports, you must be a white supremacist

Have you noticed how methodically our CBC and legacy print media link vaccine hesitancy with the far-right and white supremacy? Then they'll turn around and profess astonishment that the pandemic has been politicised! 

By the far-right, of course!

And they wonder why trust in media is going down the shitter!

They should take a break from politicising the pandemic and polarizing the populace, and take a crack at asking some questions and digging for some answers.

There's no evidence that lockdowns work. Short of the military-grade commie version used in China, where a guy in a hazmat suit delivers a TV dinner once in awhile and if you're found out and about you won't be found again.

Seriously, what have our lockdowns been other than a great way to kill small business? Oh ya, it's a lockdown, but it's business as usual at Walmart and the government liquor store. So the virus waits in the car while you go in the store?

And where's the science that these disposable surgical masks do anything to combat an airborne virus? Have you seen any?

Here's something I found at Zerohedge. I don't know anything about the source but the article seems well-researched; Why does no one talk about Sweden any more?

One thing that never occurs to the professional journos is investigating what's going on in countries that are a little further along the curve, like Israel and Germany. The linked article does that and more.

Well worth a look.

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