Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Let's check in on the Contarian Ranter

As regular readers will know, I got into mindfulness just after I blew the retina out of my left eyeball whilst attempting to take a shit. I came out of my emergency eye-surgery confinement just in time for the first covid confinement. In the meantime, my dear mother-in-law had passed and I had gone into official retirement, and my world was a different place.

I'm starting to get the hang of my new address at Substack. Been there a week now, and so far it looks promising. 

But at the same time, I feel for the old-school digital retards like my old pal Kipling. Just to let you know I haven't turned my back on you, here's a few samples of what you're missing.

Managed to turn a trip to Letterkenney country into an homage to the Hells Angels.

Recycled something you read on this site ten years ago.

And here's my latest rant about how the pandemic has been more about politics than disease.

Speaking of mindfulness, a Dr. Jillian Horton had an op-ed on the topic in the Globe and Mail today. Well worth the $4.20 I paid for the entire paper.

Which is a happy thing, because it was the only story worth reading in today's Globe and Mail.

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