Tuesday, April 18, 2023

US-NATO solidarity is fraying rapidly

Every time NATO SecGen Jumpy Jens gets near a TV camera, he starts a’twitchin’ and a’twerkin’ as he proclaims; “Putin vant less NATO. Instead, he get more NATO.” True. The formidable military prowess of Finland, population similar to Greater Toronto Area, will undoubtedly shift the balance of power in the global show-down between the alleged democracies and the Bad Guys. Or not. We’re up to four NATO states banning imports of Ukrainian grain. Why? Because all that Ukrainian grain that was going to feed starving Africa mostly ended up in neighbouring states instead, driving down farm-gate prices across Europe. Poland is the most vocal champion of Ukraine in the mainstream media. In reality, they’re cutting off welfare payments to Ukrainian refugees and banning grain imports. There are still those in Poland who recall the “solidarity” of Ukrainian nationalists in the WW2. Their solidarity was with Nazi Germany, not with Poland. Hundreds of thousands of Poles paid the price with their lives. Meanwhile, it becomes increasingly obvious that the glorious Ukrainian victory we’ve been promised for over a year ain’t ever going to happen. The combined industrial capacity of the NATO nations can’t keep Ukraine supplied with heavy weapons or the rockets, missiles, and artillery shells required to effectively counter Russia. You’d think the masterminds behind this war would have done some basic math calculations before they goaded their Ukrainian flunkies into it. The general consensus, including at the NYT and WaPo, is that Ukrainian fire-power is outmatched anywhere from 4:1 to 10:1. That’s why it’s ludicrous to imagine that Russia is suffering more casualties. The side that delivers 50,000 artillery shells per day will inevitably inflict more casualties if their opponents can only manage 5,000. The sad truth is that Ukraine’s “allies” can’t even deliver those 5,000. Until 2028, after some new factories are built. Hang tight, Zelensky! We’ll have everything you need in five years or so! Here on the home front, I see where several dozen worthies from the upper echelon of our military-political-media complex have come out to demand that PM Fluffy get serious about defending democracy. They want tens of billions of new spending on US war toys, and a major ramp-up of bellicose rhetoric against “our adversaries.” It’s the least we can do to “stand with our allies,” otherwise known as following Washington’s instructions. Today a minor Putin critic in Russia got a prison sentence of 25 years for treason. Sure, it’s a trumped-up charge and they’re making an example of him, but here’s my take-away. Minutes after the verdict, the UK, US, and Canadian ambassadors to Russia stood on the courtroom steps, in Russia, denouncing the verdict. If the situation was reversed, how long do you think the ambassadors of Russia, China, and Iran would be allowed to play to TV cameras in Ottawa? I’m beginning to wonder if maybe they’ve got more freedom of speech in Russia than we do here!

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