Sunday, September 15, 2024

America's "Democracy Theatre" jumps the shark... it's Trump against the Queen of Joy

Here’s the main point to remember; America is the benchmark democracy that serves as the North star to democracies all over the civilized world. That’s why it’s important to follow the hijinks on the current electoral campaign. The way I see it, this campaign is premised on the primordial struggle between good and evil. On the one hand, the citizens can choose to root for the racist, misogynist, and quintessentially evil Orange Ogre. On the other, they can root for the Queen of Joy. It’s obviously the Queen of Joy who’s playing the good guy part in this presentation. Donny J knows the part he’s playing. After all, in his pre-politics years he was once a boxing promoter. To this day he’s besties with Dana White, Godfather and Don of Dons in the UFC universe. He used to pal around with the likes of Don King! America’s Theatre of Democracy demands a simple-minded contest between the white-hat and the black-hat. Don’t confuse the voters with nuance. Don’t even mention Jill Stein. So the brain trust running the white-hat campaign is currently pushing the “Trump claims migrants are eating your pets” narrative. Ha ha ha!!! What a friggin’ moron! Meanwhile, the other brain trust is pounding on the “Kamala is so phony she adjusts her accent for the venue” narrative. In Boston it’s “good evening ladies and gentlemen.'“ In Atlanta, it’s “how y’all doin’?” But take note; not in Boston or in Atlanta or anywhere else will the Queen of Joy come anywhere near any serious discussion of meaty topics, be they domestic or foreign. Ditto for the Bad Guy. In fact, it’s totally awesome that in the world’s benchmark democracy, there is virtual unanimity amongst the warring parties on anything that matters. They’re both all in for continuing America’s blank-cheque support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. They’re both all-in for more drilling and fracking. They’re both all-in for American Hegemony in perpetuity. True, there’s a whisker of daylight on Ukraine policy. Kamala wants the slaughter to continue until there are no more Ukrainians, whereas Trump seems ready to turn the page on a lost cause, and save a few missiles and bombs for the commies in China for when we have to save democracy in Taiwan. We truly live in interesting times.

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