Thursday, September 19, 2024

Picking the winner in the coming WW III

Remember the original “Axis of Evil?” The term was allegedly coined by part-time Bush Jr speech-writer David Frum, the son of a Toronto dentist who made it big in strip-malls. Just to be clear, it was Dad who made the family fortune, not David. But a little education and some stiff financial backing and family connections can take a budding ideologue a long way, and David is now on staff at The Atlantic. The original Axis of Evil formulation was Iran, Iraq, and North Korea. That was in 2002. The new and improved Axis of Evil consists of Iran, Russia, and China. The White Hat lineup hasn’t really changed. It’s the world’s leading democracy with the most powerful military of all time, plus NATO, and, last but not least, the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. You’ve got the democracies on the one side, and brutal dictators, tyrants, and terrorists on the other. Democracies are countries where billionaire political donors get together periodically to select the next leader of the free world. The Good Guys, ie the Democracies, are currently engaged in two wars against evildoers that threaten to spin out of control. While they do have billionaires in the Axis of Evil, there is a crucial difference. In the Free World the billionaires are free to call the shots. In the Autocratic Tyrannies, the billionaires operate at the pleasure of the state. That’s why we need to have a war; to free those free-market champions in Iran and Russia and China from the yoke of tyranny! The wars that the Axis of Evil have forced on the Free World by resisting NATO expansion and Israeli genocide are both one escalation from going ballistic, pardon the pun. When those escalations occur, what’s likely to happen? Unfortunately for the Free World, things aren’t looking good. Ukraine hangs by a thread, completely dependent on financial and materiel support the Free World doesn’t have. In Israel, the only Democracy in the Middle East continues to clear terrorists out of Gaza neighborhoods they’ve cleared multiple times already in a war that’s gone on for almost a year. Clearly, the Forces of Righteousness are not winning. Yesterday’s vote at the UN General Assembly provides a handy barometer of which way global sentiment is tilting in this struggle between good and evil. 143 countries voted against the American Empire’s preferred outcome. 14 voted for it. That’s why this story at the Globe and Mail caught my eye; Deepen US ties and reboot Canada's geopolitical strategy, former ambassadors urge. Yup, five former Canadian ambassadors to the US, American Empire Loyalists to the core, insist we double down on a lost cause. Tragically for Canada, we are on course to follow their idiotic counsel. Let’s commit trillions of dollars and the financial health of our country for generations to come by buying submarines and fighter jets and warships so we can stand tall on the wrong side of history. Or, we could become a sovereign nation, chart our own course, and invest in the health care and housing and education infrastructure we so desperately need.

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