Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How to smuggle guns into Toronto

I caught a bit of the CBC radio show "The Current" this morning. The host had Toronto Police Association Boss Mike McCormack and a couple of other guests on discussing one of the perennial favorite topics of the Toronto cognoscenti - the never-ending gun-violence crisis in the city.

Apparently gun incidents and gun deaths have been on a steady up-tick for the last five years...

Hmm...  since around 2013, then?

Oddly enough, that was the year the Toronto Star published their boffo how-to series The Gun Pipeline, a veritable primer on the ins and outs of smuggling guns into Canada from the US!

The think tank here at Falling Downs thought that the height of irresponsibility; why advertise to all the wannabe gansta's how easy the gun-smuggling gig is?

Looks like we were right again!

1 comment:

  1. Noted today that still more gun violence in "l'IL Baltimore"...er, meant Toronto...
