Thursday, April 11, 2019

Chrystia Freeland scores honorary White Helmet!

Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs has been recognized for her services to ISIS affiliate Syria Civil Defense, also known as the "White Helmets."

As everyone knows, the White Helmets are courageous volunteers from all walks of life who risk everything to save innocent civilians. They are strictly non-partisan but work exclusively in areas of Syria held by Nusra Front, ISIS, and al-Qaeda.

It apparently costs a lot of money to keep these altruistic volunteers in business. Over the course of their rise to stardom they have been lavished with many millions of dollars in funding from the same Western governments who have been the most vehement in their denunciations of the legitimate government of Syria.

Suspicious minds may conclude that the White Helmets are little more than a PR stunt, designed to provide cover for Western support for the very terrorists we've allegedly been fighting all these years, but Freeland herself has denied this, claiming it is mere Russian propaganda.

What a relief! For a brief moment I felt a sense of dread that we'd let a bunch of ISIS operatives, "terrorists," into the country...

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