Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Educators stupify Toronto

I don't know if anybody noticed, but 14,000 education researchers were partying it up in Toronto this week. Good to see OISE taking a leading role in this shindig. As a former teacher I can attest that OISE is where a lot of brilliant shit that'll never work in the classroom originates.

Take a gander at the American Educational Research Association website. Look around a bit. Get to know them...

I don't want to be judgemental, but I have a hunch you'd find a lot of folks there who would be the type to protest a Jordan Peterson appearance.

I watched a couple of Jordan Peterson videos once just to see what the fuss was about. What is this guy, the Ann Landers of the 21st century? He makes $70,000 a month for this from his YouTube channel?

People must be desperate.

And I'll admit I have no clue what cultural Marxism is. Does it have anything to do with old-fashioned non-cultural Marxism?

Anyway, as I was rooting around on the website of the AERA, it occurred to me that they might want to incorporate this old post from the archives into one of their seminars.

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