Thursday, August 29, 2019


For roughly the first fifty years of my stint here on Prison Planet, I was keen on getting stuff. Now I'm keener on getting rid of stuff. I'm finding that easier said than done.

Tried to get rid of a used electric kitchen oven earlier this year. Put it at the end of the driveway festooned with "free" signs on three sides. It was a perfectly functional range.

Somewhere during the second week, some dirtbag stopped to help themselves to the elements. Is there not a code of honour that demands you take the whole thing when helping yourself to free stuff?

Halfway through the third week a local artsy type picked it up to "practice painting on enamel."

Whatever. I was just happy to have it gone.

Parked the old Rockwood tent-trailer out there next. We got that because we used to do some camping, and the Farm Manager decided she no longer wanted to sleep on the ground in a tent, but would prefer to sleep in a tent that's on a trailer. We used it for two seasons and then she declared it "musty." We haven't used it since.

That must have been four or five years ago. For sure it smells musty now! And the canvas is rotten. So I put up a sign asking $800. The sign was on a 8x11 sheet of paper. No enquiries. After a couple of weeks I thought maybe they can't see the sign, so I made a new one out of a two foot by four foot piece of plywood, and dropped the price to $600.

At least now people were stopping, but they were mostly idiots. From my point of view, once I've told you the canvas is rotten and needs replaced, and you come back with "how many holes are in the canvas," you're an idiot.

Eventually some guy hauled it away for three hundred bucks. His son had a couple of little guys who loved fishing and camping. They were on a budget, and figured they could still get a few years out of this rig with a little patching and some sound tarping.

Point is, it took all summer to get rid of a stove and a camper... at that rate, it's gonna be three or four more years before I get the garage cleaned out!

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