Monday, October 28, 2019

NBA conspiracy theory

I was thinking how wacked it is that the folks who own global media, a very small clique of billionaires, have the power to decide what news you'll get or not get.

Take this Thunberg phenomenon for example. When you get right down to it, the only thing newsworthy about this kid is that the media have made her newsworthy.

Or consider the Hong Kong protests, which have been given saturation coverage across all Western media, while far more deadly protests in numerous other countries are ignored. The people deciding what you're able to see don't do this randomly, they have an agenda.

Israel is in our pocket (or we theirs), so no need to talk about the violent protests at the Gaza fence.

Haiti is in our pocket, so no need to talk about weeks of nationwide rioting that has taken dozens of lives.

And did you know the Yellow Vesters in France haven't gone away, they've just disappeared from your news feed!

Meanwhile, Hong Kong gets the spotlight because it serves the interests of the ruling class to make trouble for China.

It seems to me there's been substantially less HK in the news the last week or so. It seemed to fall off just after Coach Dickhead down in Texas tweeted his pro-protester tweet.

That led to a bit of a kerfluffle between rival billionaire factions, some of whom are NBA owners and some who are anti-China (because if we didn't have enemies, why would we need a trillion dollar military budget, and if we didn't have that we'd go broke).

Looks to me like the money-grubbers won out over the patriots (those guys who send their minions to the annual shareholder meetings at all the big military contractors and also fund pro-war think-tanks and own media networks), at least for the time-being.

I suspect Adam Silver made a conference call to the various billionaires on all sides, and said something like this;

Look guys, some of you are being assholes about this. China is the goose that is gonna be laying our golden eggs going forward. Maybe even the next 50 years! The China market is gonna make you all trillionaires by then! Stop fucking around already!

We can always resume our support for the protesters after that.

God bless America!

Actually, I don't think Silver would say that last bit, but isn't it interesting that coverage of the HK riots has dropped off the charts?

Remember, you read it here first.

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