Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pot addled hillbilly predicted legal cannabis industry collapse a year ago

That's when the mainstream folks, especially the pot-addled twats at the Globe and Mail, were still in full pump mode on the Great Canadian Legal Weed Pump and Dump Scam.

Now the mainstream folks are predicting "a bad trip for the legal pot industry."

Told ya so!!!... over a year ago!

Up in smoke indeed!


  1. Ummmm…. you forgot my comment, Mr. Predictor-of-All-Things-Obvious-Neumann:
    What will be offered legally, will be taxed. The local underground market will always undercut a government taxed product. But the Rubes will get their "Purple Kush" and craft beer at a central location and just think what a novelty that will be at suburban weekend dinner parties.
    Anyways, best from the West Coast,

  2. OK Ken, I may not be the only one to grasp the obvious, but why can't our friends at the G&M see that there aren't nearly enough rubes around to buy up all that legal weed?

  3. My Dear Mr. Neumann: I was joking, of course because I truly enjoy your commentary; insightful and witty, more so than the vast majority of overpaid spin and hype from MSM. G&M's business pages, for the better part of a year, have had full page "info-advertisements" dedicated to bolstering corporate marijuana production and public consumption.
    Out here in BC, the same holds as in Ontario, where regular consumers will continue to purchase from their original, untaxed suppliers. Sure, the suburban rubes enjoyed the "naughtiness" of legal pot, but the novelty has worn thin, seemingly for now. But being good corporate citizens, G&M hacks will continue to furrow their brows in contrived bemusement.
    Best always,
